UMW Circles:
Sheridan First UMW Unit is composed of two Circles with many members whose purpose is to know God and to envelope Christian ways in what we do and for which we stand. The Circles meet monthly from January through May and September through December. Currently, we are meeting via Zoom only, but we welcome anyone interested in joining us!:
Night Circle – 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. (Sandra Parham Turner, Chairperson)
Day Circle – 3rd Monday at 2:00 p.m. (Sheila Aaron, Chairperson)
When the UMW is asked to participate in an activity, we are honored to be asked and are willing, ready, and able to do what we can. If you are not presently a member of our Unit and would like to visit with someone about UMW or visit a Circle meeting, please contact any of the UMW officers.
Officers of General Society for 2021:
Sandra Parham Turner, President
Zoe Hines, Vice-President
Gail Harrington, Secretary
Judy Green, Treasurer
Mission Coordinators:
Spiritual Growth: Von Williamson
Membership/Nurture & Outreach: Katie Wells
Bereavement Coordinator: Jenny Swilling
Education & Interpretation: Dee Ann Daniel
Secretary-Program Resources: Betty Robinette
Social Action: Becky Ross
Committee on Nominations: Carolyn Duncan
Sheridan First UMW Unit is composed of two Circles with many members whose purpose is to know God and to envelope Christian ways in what we do and for which we stand. The Circles meet monthly from January through May and September through December. Currently, we are meeting via Zoom only, but we welcome anyone interested in joining us!:
Night Circle – 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. (Sandra Parham Turner, Chairperson)
Day Circle – 3rd Monday at 2:00 p.m. (Sheila Aaron, Chairperson)
When the UMW is asked to participate in an activity, we are honored to be asked and are willing, ready, and able to do what we can. If you are not presently a member of our Unit and would like to visit with someone about UMW or visit a Circle meeting, please contact any of the UMW officers.
Officers of General Society for 2021:
Sandra Parham Turner, President
Zoe Hines, Vice-President
Gail Harrington, Secretary
Judy Green, Treasurer
Mission Coordinators:
Spiritual Growth: Von Williamson
Membership/Nurture & Outreach: Katie Wells
Bereavement Coordinator: Jenny Swilling
Education & Interpretation: Dee Ann Daniel
Secretary-Program Resources: Betty Robinette
Social Action: Becky Ross
Committee on Nominations: Carolyn Duncan
2020 poor boy luncheon
2019 Christmas brunch
2019 salad luncheon
The purpose of the organization:
“The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”
The Meaning of Membership:
Membership in United Methodist Women is voluntary. Any woman who chooses to belong may become a member. Members are committed to the PURPOSE, and are willing to be involved in global missions through United Methodist Women. Membership in the United Methodist Women offers each woman the opportunity to plan and evaluate the program in which she participates. Regardless of all designations of age, race or financial/marital/employment status, each member is regarded as a person of unique value.
Membership in United Methodist Women can be expressed in one or more of the following ways:
“The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church.”
The Meaning of Membership:
Membership in United Methodist Women is voluntary. Any woman who chooses to belong may become a member. Members are committed to the PURPOSE, and are willing to be involved in global missions through United Methodist Women. Membership in the United Methodist Women offers each woman the opportunity to plan and evaluate the program in which she participates. Regardless of all designations of age, race or financial/marital/employment status, each member is regarded as a person of unique value.
Membership in United Methodist Women can be expressed in one or more of the following ways:
- attendance at meetings
- undesignated giving to support global mission
- intercessory prayer
- meaningful community involvement
- participation in varied events, projects, issues and concerns of the Women’s Division
- accepting leadership responsibility
Other activities the Unit and Circles participate in:
- District and Conference meeting
- Yearly pledges to UMW Global Ministries to support institutions and programs to improve the lives of women, youth, and children locally, nationally and globally
- Graduating Seniors Breakfast
- Monetary donations to Camp Aldersgate, Cookson Hills Mission; Church Youth; Arkansas Children’s Home; MiWatch; Faith House
- Mile of Pennies
- Local Angel Tree at Christmas
- Christmas shop for our UMK
- Mission Recognition Awards
- Annual celebration of UMW Sunday
- Hospitality hostesses at church events
- Salad Luncheon in October (hoping to return in 2021!)
- Po Boy Luncheon in January (returning in 2022!)
- Meals for Families in Crisis
- Support for MacDonald United Methodist Children’s Services, Inc., Houma, LA
- Annual Charter for Racial Justice Program
UMW Reading Program:
The purpose of the Reading Program is to encourage United Methodist Women to:
The purpose of the Reading Program is to encourage United Methodist Women to:
- Expand understanding of and participation in God’s mission
- To increase sensitivity to all human beings – their needs, interest, and concern
- To encourage critical thinking about issues facing humanity today
- To grow in understanding of Scripture as it relates to Christian faith in contemporary life
- To enhance self-knowledge and to act from that knowledge
- To strengthen involvement in local and global Christian mission

Sharing Our Table contains 815 of the best recipes from the United Methodist Women and other contributors from First United Methodist Church of Sheridan, Arkansas. The book includes a brief history of the church as well as photographs of the beautiful stained glass windows and the significance of each. These cookbooks make wonderful gifts for everyone any time of the year and are available for only $20, with proceeds supporting UMW missions.